Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Something Refresh part 2 !
Hi, everybody who blessed by Allah SWT. :)
meet me again in my 2nd post.. please don't be bored to read my blog yaaa, :) hehehe
well, actually i'll continue my latest post still about in house training FK UII that i joined yesterday .
i wanna share you my
impressive experience with Dr. Taufiq Pasiak, dr., M.Pd., M.Kes.
He's so adorable person i've ever met! :D

Dr. Taufiq experts in neuroscience and neuroanatomy. All praises to Allah, i and medical student others had the opportunity to attend his presentation. We focused on " How to Get Achievement by Increasing The Ability of The BRAIN and SPIRITUALITY? "
Wow, he talked about Brain and spirituality!! What is the relationship between them?
Hmmm.. Really curious, aren't you? ^_^ 

Well, do you know about Ulil Albab?? Allah SWT. praised a group of people who named Ulil Albab in the holy al-quran. Their characteristics, among others mentioned in the letter of Ali-'Imran 190-191: "Verily in the sphere and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for ulil albab. They 're always dzikr (remember) of Allah, standing, or sitting or laying, and they're thinking about creation of the sphere and the earth ... "
In the above verses illustrated the two principal characteristics ulil albab, namely 'tafakkur' and 'dzikr'.
According to some 'ulama', there are no less than 750 verses of the Quran that talk about the nature and phenomenon which commanded the human to know and to take advantages of this nature.
So, express your dzikr and thinking :)

Dr. Taufiq said that there are 3 capacities to become ulil albab : 
1. Tafakkarun : Thingking; in medical terms we know about 'Neurobic' (the physical exercise for the memory), we can also make observation and try to analyze for stimulate the synapses of our brain. 
2. Tadzakkarun : from arabic word "dzikr" or remember (recalling process) 
3. Ta'malun : from arabic word "amal" or try to show it with behavior and attitudes that we've learned.

Ok, now we go to the effect of PRAY.
when we're sick
, Pray is like a placebo (a capsule that has the same effect with drug) and it could be source of power for patient.

To be an Extraordinary Doctor :
1. Experts the medical lesson ( Join seminar, workshop, symposium, etc) 
2. Combining ideas (integrates many books that you've read, mixed drug according to right doses) 
3. Respects others (accepts pluralism)
4. Receives ethics  (valuable person)
5. Thankful to God for simple things like breathing
Ok, that's all for today.. hope u receive the benefit of this post. So sorry if there are many mistakes^^
Keep appreciate
your life with thankful to Him insya Allah we'll be happy in
this world and the hereafter.. Salam Super! :)  

2 komentar:

  1. wah blognya fila full english. Jempoool deh :)

  2. alhamdulillah ya.. ini recall pak, mestinya kudu dilatih trus englishnya hehe.. ntar mau ke Pare ah, biar ga kalah ama bapak :D
    pengen buat buku kyk tortora,hihi
